Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Random TV GUIDE Ads - Bush Doctor

KOOL-TV presents A Liberty Mutual Special, BUSH DOCTOR starring Hugh (WYATT EARP) O'Brian, Katherine (FALCON CREST) Justice and Jack (British Guy) Hedley. No, its not the story of an elderly gynecologist - it's a heart wrenching tale of redemption and inner strength brought to you by a global insurance company. This 1982 oddity is the second of three BUSH DOCTORs listed on IMDB. The first is a 1954 short and the last is a 2011 feature film currently in pre-production. I guess a great title like this screams to be used again and again.

1 comment:

R.A.M.'67 said...

Did Hallmark pass on sponsoring this production? Maybe it's not so "special"!

I gotta wonder if O'Brian gave a good performance or chewed the scenery? You can't ever predict what that guy will do. (He was consistently good on what few episodes of Wyatt Earp I've seen.)

Just saw Ms. Justice in the first Columbo TV movie; she was a looker, way back when!

Awaiting further TV GUIDE fun!